Overs the past several months, ∆≈ has been lookin' for treats FOR ME!!! that are nots “Fabriqué en Chine”. No matters how you bark it, Chinese stuffs have gotten some bad press, deserved or nots. Think he could finds some in the stores? ARF! ARF! ARF! I barked him to looks in the big ether... Tah daaahs.. He found i-pets.com which carrys lots of rawhides Gebildet in USA.
The others light a big package arrived FOR ME!!!...
Somethin' sniffs reeeallys good!
Whoas! 1,2 1,2 1,2... That's a lots!! All mines?
Dad sez I have to share with Tules! I guess that's alrights.
I think I'll have 1,2 1,2 one of these to starts...
Now that tastes GOODS!!
Okays, you got me some stuffs but that doesn't excuse you...
This is why I haven't been barkin' latelys. The Big Dummys!!
∆≈'s been gettin' some stuffs ready for another 'Art and Wine Stroll' in Isleton next weeksend.
I'm gonna bite him in the butts if he doesn't start helpin' me bark soons.
10 September 2007
Hecho en los E.E.U.U./Fatto in Cina/Feito nos EUA
Wuufed by
Labels: i-pets.com, Isleton, Rawhide chews, US of A
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Good to see you are getting your secretary more organised.
Although he does look quite clever. Mistress likes those paintings.
Do dogs like paintings? Uh? I don't know.
Mistress has been looking at getting some treats shipped to me - but it is 1,2 1,2 don't know how many £s so expensive to fly stuff to Gibs. So nothing so far:(
Enjoy your treats. Will you be strolling at the Art and Wine Stroll too?
I thinks thats enough treats for a week or two.
Simba xx
I think you hit the mother-load with that huge cache of rawhides, Freda. And those are such beautimus paintings. Did you lend a helping paw?
The FleasGang
Do those chews taste as good as they look? 'Cause if they do, mom says she'll get me some too. 'Cause I love my chews!! So, do they? Huh? Huh?
Oh wow, that's a lot of treats! Do ya think you could share some with me? Hehe.
Wow, I think you hit the jackpot with all those chewy's!!! I guess that might be a forgivable deal for not letting you blog more.
Your dads pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!
(Bow)wow Freda,
well done you on gettin' all those yummilicious treatsas....
Happy chewin', dooog.
Chow for now,
Tin Tin xo
Holy freakin' moly that is a lot of chews! Enjoy!
Hey girl--good you got your chewies--nothing like a good chewie to make an evening perfect. Thanks for the condolences for my peeps over their dumb football team. Did you know they have given us all football positions? They are sad about that this season is lost. My one person sometimes has boys from that team in her class--not this year, though.
See ya
Hi Freda,
Yah.. my hoomans are not getting me any treats that are 'made in China' as well cos they believe it is not good for me.
OMdoG.. are all those raw hides for you?? Can I come over and stay? Pretty please??
That's alot of raw hides you have there Freda
How long will it take you to finish all of them?
~Girl girl
Love the paintings! Couldn't believe the amount of raw hide you've got there Freda! I think it would take me a bazillion years to get through that much! J x
Hey Everysdog,
The rawhides are yummys and I will have eaten 1,2 1,2 one half of them by next light. Just Arfin! ∆≈ said I had to share with Tules. Wish I could share with all my blog buds and budinas, too. Mañana dark, when ∆≈ and ∆√ go out to eats at http://quinnslighthouse.com/ with Tule's peeps and ∆√'s bro, they'll takes a bunch of MY hides and give them to Tules. Luckys!
The big 1,2 1,2 ones are reeeallys big...Dad can't measures right (And they were halfs price)... so he is cuttin' them into several smaller pieces for me. He's soo sweets, but soo dumbs! He doesn't want me too eats too much hide at 1,2 1,2 one times.
∆≈ sez grazie for the nice arts comments. I help him pick outs the colors. Arf! Arf! Now he's got to paints and paints coz they want him to show more arts. Boos! I think I better chews up his brushes.
P.S. I have to stay homes when my peeps go strollin'. I might eats all the goodies.
totally agree....china products cannot be trusted at all....
GO USC!! BEAT the Bugeating Cornheads! Ha woo woo woo!!
Sorry. My humans are not corndog fans!! :-)
OMDawg that is a LOT of treats. WoW
tail wags
Scrappy and Pebbles
Hey Paccos,
China has a big blacks eye right now. Too bad for the peeps there. The US of As wants lead frees paint on their toys. How about the rest of the worlds? Selfish agains.
Hey Hollys,
You got your wish, but I thinks it was alreadys written.
Hey Scrappys and Pebbles,
Yups! Lots of treats and they're GRRReats!, as Tonys would say.
Holy Moley! That's a lot of rawhides! We love when giant boxes of goodies come to the door. It almost makes us like the mailman...almost.
Sherman, Penny & Lola
Hey Freda, We sure have been missing you. We agree, bite him in the butt! But not if it means no more big boxes of rawhides. That would be a real drag.
Hope you enjoy the art and wine!
cool banananananas! dats 1,2,1,2 lotsa rawhides u got there!
is ∆≈ gonna sell the paintings n buy u more rawhides?
Hey Ferndoggies,
I loves the UPS peeps. They are always bringin' good stuffs, like the 'hides, my foods, quiltin' stuffs Mum and lazy butts' art thingys. Those 'hides will last me a longs longs time.
Hey Sophies,
Lazy butts ∆≈ has been tryin' to paints, Arf! Arf!, add stuffs to my barkin' place, workin' in the gardens, watchin' movin' pictures, lookin' at readers and tryin' to clean up the magic typer. My secretary needs a secretarys. Can you believes it?
The art thingy is an attempt by the Delta peeps to get the big city peeps down here to the Deltas. It is kinda workin' but has a long ways to go.
Hey Umes,
If ∆≈ sold an arts, he would probably laugh all the way to the java shops and still have to borrow monies for a single expresso.
Holy smokes - that is alot to treats - you must be in heaven!!
Have a great day - Dory
Hi Freda,
We're thrilled that you found i-pets.com. Hope you're enjoying all your yummy treats.
You are one lucky dog!
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