My human has only one twos, one twos (twos) legs, doesn't think like us and he has been called weirds. I like that in a familys man. He is stubborns like me. He likes his beer dark. He could be called an Eclectic Peeps. Most of all, he loves me and I like that. DeltaBunny will journal our lives togethers in the small Delta town of Rio Vista, California.

All photos and Nose Art are copyright of author or as noted and may not be used withouts permission.

Want to add your beautimus photo to my Dogsbook? Cooools!

Helps me build my village of Frévilla in Spains. Go to Frévilla. ¡Gracias!


22 November 2006


Dad and I almost forgot about Mama Stamberg's Cranberry Relish on the barker box, but of course Mom didn't.

Hey, I've heard of that stuffs. Sniffs kinda speecy spicys to me.
Can I have some on my sauerbraten tomorrow, tomorrow...
Dog! Sandy, I still don't know how you do it. Annie's stupids.

Here's the link to the famous relish and a list of ingredients: NPR : Mama Stamberg's Cranberry Relish Recipe: "Mama Stamberg's Cranberry Relish"
2 cups whole raw cranberries, washed
1 small onion
3/4 cup sour cream
1/2 cup sugar
2 tablespoons horseradish from a jar ('red is a bit milder than white')

Humans 'say' it's good but...

Oops! Tule's here! Gotta go...
Happys T-Day!


Ivy said...

i dunno about that relish stuff. the only thing i see in that list that is good is the sour cream. i luuuuuuv sour cream! i always get to lick the spoon. do your peepol let you lick the spoon freda?

Anonymous said...

I helped my Mom today and taste tested all the stuffs she was making. Cranberry is good! Looks like sourcream would make it better. Hey ma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bussie Kissies

L said...

Wow, that pink stuff looks yummy! But not as yummy as the beef soup our girl let us taste tonight!

Glad you got your card and visited our blog. We would love it if you added us to your pals list. We will add you to ours. It's always fun to make more friends!
Comet and BLU

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Yummo ! That sure looks good ! Happy Thanksgiving Freda :-)


L said...

Hi Freda,
We hope you had a great turkey day! Today we got our first cards in the mail. We got two and one of them was from you! It was so exciting. Thank you!

Joe Stains said...


I got my card from you today, thank you so much!!! Ours will be coming soon!

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Congrats on what your Corn Boys did!

The striped C-A-T-S were able to slaughter those stupid jay birds! Yea!

Jay said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Freda!


Charlie Kelley-Church said...

Got your card Freda- Really cool! It's my second card. My dad's working on getting ours out!

Anonymous said...

Hi Freda, cool blog. Love the music.

Simba xx

MoonShadow and the RavenFeather Poodles and Pekes said...

Hi, While I LOVED the color of that stuff I certainly wouldn't want to eat it. My humans probably would though. Hope you got to eat LOTS of stuff this weekend, I know I'm still a bit stuffed. Princess sneezes, Bai-Jin

Anonymous said...

Hi Freda,
I got your card today (yeah!). I like your foggy looks so cool :)

Sam Iam said...

I got my card from you today, thank you so much We love the Folidays !!! Ours will be coming soon!sniff-sniff

Lot's of Lick's

FleasGang said...

Hi Freda. We got your card yesterday!! Merry Christmas :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Freda! Thanks for my Christmas card, I got it today!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your card.
Simba x

Anonymous said...

That sounds so yummy, and the colour is soo pretty, my favourite colour!! I wonder how horseradish taste like...

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Isabella said...

I don't think I have ever eaten anything pink before. I think I would rather have beef and noodles.
I am going to have to read thru your blog and try to figure out what a DeltaBunny is- maybe a breed of rabbits that fly?
Big Wags,

Anonymous said...

Hey Freda, Holly here!
Thanks for visiting my blog! I think you are a very pretty girl too. That salad sure looks good! I'm on a diet, so maybe it will be good for that!

Please feel free to add me to your pals list. I will add you to mine!


Anonymous said...

Hey Freda,
We got your Christmas card, Thanks so much! Very pretty foto of you. Yes, you can add our blog link to your pals. We already have you on ours, hope you don't mind. We've never had cranberries before. Mama doesn't like them, but she does like cranberry juice.
Wirey Hugs!
Butchy & Snickers

Freda said...

Whoa! So manys woofs. Kinda over whelmin'. I haven't sniffed around your places like I should and I feel bads. Thanks everydog.

I'm reeeeallys glad some of yous have received your cards. I hope all of them get through. And thanks for all your cards. It's sooo cooools!

I hope everydog and their humans had a great Turkey Day. Our S-Day was great. That pinks relish stuffs has the horsey stuffs in it and I didn't like it. The dumb humans liked it though. Dad reeeally likes it. I did think he smelled like a horse for a whiles. Which end... I don't knows. Arf! Arf!

DeltaBunny... Hmmmm?

Thanks again, to everydog and their humans.
