My human has only one twos, one twos (twos) legs, doesn't think like us and he has been called weirds. I like that in a familys man. He is stubborns like me. He likes his beer dark. He could be called an Eclectic Peeps. Most of all, he loves me and I like that. DeltaBunny will journal our lives togethers in the small Delta town of Rio Vista, California.

All photos and Nose Art are copyright of author or as noted and may not be used withouts permission.

Want to add your beautimus photo to my Dogsbook? Cooools!

Helps me build my village of Frévilla in Spains. Go to Frévilla. ¡Gracias!


18 July 2008


Since my magics typer is STILL BROKENS!!! and my secretary has to put on pants and go and use a publics magic typer I asked him to put a warnings on my barkin' place.

I went the the dog doc todays for a check ups (Eveythings kinda okays for a womans my age) and a borders tellin' shot. While waitin', I reads in the Bark reader (Magazine) that ALLS rawhides are bads. Since my dummys secretary can't do anythin' on the publics magics typer I'll give the address of the Bark mago. It is Please gets your peeps to reads the article and see what they thinks.

Don't know whens my magics typer will be fixed. And now dummys dads is goin' to Colorados the see his peeps. Hope to bark agains in 1,2 1,2 2 weeks or so.


P.S. Publics Window magic typers are stupids. You can't do anythin' neatos on them.


Dandy Duke said...

We don't get rawhides anymore, Freda! We woof them down too fast and we've had choaking incidents and mom freaks so no more rawhides for us ever again!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

roughseasinthemed said...

Misery and master stopped dishing up the rawhides 1,2 1,2 many dogyears ago.

I've never had one.

Too bad your Apple has got sick when I am finally allowed to go sniffing round my pals again.

Paws crossed you will be back soon.

Hope your dad has a fine time and his peeps are ok


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Freda, couldn't read the rawhide article online, but the Js went off them after I nearly choked on a piece. Let me know if you find a decent and safe alternative! J x

Joe Stains said...

We don't get rawhides anymore either. BUT we got some great STRAWBERRY bones today from Nylabone. I love those folks!

Sophie Brador said...

Freda! I sure miss you on the blog and on Twitter. It just isn't as much fun without you.

Thanks for the rawhide warning. My mom never ever gives me rawhides, but I do get raw bones sometimes. Mom thinks they're kind of gross, but I think they are Yummers.

Say hi to your dad from me and my mom. We sure hope you get that magic typer fixed soon.


Tatum Tot said...

Oh but I love rawhides sooo very much I like to chew them up and spit them out! Boooo