A couples of things. Firstest, HAPPYS TURKEY LIGHT to alls!!! Seconds, I hope that those that will be eatin's turkey will be eatin' a Mr. Reese's heritage turkeys and not a tortured factorys t-bird. Mr. Reese is tryin to save the reals turkey. Since it is kinda lates, maybe next years you can buy a reeeallys good free range t-bird at his site or at Heritage Foods USA who is helpin' him outs with this great projects.
(My dad's dad used to be a real turkeys rancher when he got outs of World Wars II. 1,2 1,2 One darks an owls got into the turkey house and frightened the babies. They crowded all togethers and suffocated. Soo manys died it put him outs of business. Ands..., when my secretary was a puppys, his grandma had to rescues him 1,2 1,2 one light cuz he wandered into the turkey pen and they started chasin' him. Arf Arfs! That must have been soo funnys!)
Thursdays we will be eatin' saurbratens made with a free ranges cow. I hope the potato pancakes and gravies will also be made with free ranges potatoes and graves. The other veggies will be as FR and organics as possibles. If all this foods is free, why do my peeps have to pays for it?
∆≈ is intrigued by the Slow Cities and Slow Food movements. For more informations go to City Mayors: Slow Cities - Citta Slow . Hopefullys they have slow c-a-t-s. Dad wishes mores and mores peeps would become slows.
Well, we hopes everysdog and their peeps has a greats day and eats just enoughs. Remembers that not all pets and peeps will have a nice meals. This is the times of year when we give thinks for many things. We should give thanks all years and try to helps those that can't helps themselves.
Thank you for alls my buddies and their peeps,
my peeps, free ranges turkeys, cows, voles,
skwerrels, chickens, bacons, toasts, pizzas,...
And Charles.
P.S. Tule's comin' reeeallys soon. Got to get readys. She and her peeps will be heres for 1,2 1,2 six lights. Probably no barkin' for a whiles. Agains, have a happys holidays.
P.P.S. Check on my twitters in my sidebars or at Twitter / DeltaBunny. Ya gotta twitters. It's funs! Or you can sniff outs my YouTube place at YouTube - DeltaBunny. And my dad has 1,2 1,2 one at YouTube - DeltaGypsy It's stupids! He stills learnin'.
20 November 2007
Wuufed by
Labels: Heritage Turkeys, Mr. Reese, Potato Pancakes, Sauerbratens, Slow Cities, Slow Foods, Twitter
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Freda - you look gorgeous on that piccy.
Thanksgiving is not part of our culture but we appreciate you and all our other pals thinking about those pups and peeps who don't have such good lives.
Have a good one.
You'd like Portland, Freda -- it's a free-range, organic kind of place! Have a good Thanksgiving with Tule and your peeps.
- Charlie
Hey Freda, My mom says thanks for all that city stuff. She sort of urban plans sometimes, so she finds it all interesting and stuff.
Happy TG! We don't get to have TG here in Canada. Well, that's not true. We already had it, but I think we should get it twice. I love turkeys!
Thanks Gals and Guy for sniffin' by. Tules just called and she is on her ways!
You're rights, not every dogs and peeps has a TD this weeks but I still want to give thanks everys day and hopes others do too.
We lives in a slow towns cuz the city councils is reeeallys slows. Like the 1,2 1,2 1950s slow. That is goods in some ways buts...
Hey Freda, hope you and yours have a very Happy Thanksgiving. J x
Thanks, Jacksons. Back at ya and you takes cares of yourself.
We don't have Thanks giving. I wish we did then I could have turkey. Happy Thanks giving to you and your family.
Simba x
Free range, organics - now I definitely know why I likes ya Freda!!!!!! You ROCK! It's all that way at our house. Happy Thanksgiving to ya, Woofs, Johann
No Thanksgiving here, so we are happy to wish you many Happy Wishes on your Thanksgiving!
love and licks, Marvin and love from Jeannie xxxxx
Thanks, Simbas and Marvs. Hope you and your peeps have a greats lights even you don't have a Turkeys Light.
Johanns, I think we should have a pets cow, and a chickens and a sheeps and stuffs. Have a greats T-Light.
Hi Freda! THe Woman is a free range nutball. She will pay fifty zillion dollars for a free range bird. Anyways, I saw a wild turkey once! I started to chase it but then The Woman used my Emergency Recall command and put the skids on the whole thing. Boy was I disappointed. But I had to listen because that's my job. Bummer.
Congratulations on your award, Freda and thank you for stopping by our blog!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Slow food and Slow cities - interesting reading I must say. Don't think we have anything like that in Norway.
Hi Toscas, A reeeals turkey. WOWS!! That must have been cooools! That was a bummers.
Hey Maggies and Mitch, thanks for the congrats. Sir Chance was hards to beats. All the blogs are neatos. Congrats to alls for bein' nominated.
Hey Günters, that slow stuffs is pretty neatos. Wish our littles town would do that.
Really cool blog. Love the mention of alternative foods for thanksgiving.
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