My human has only one twos, one twos (twos) legs, doesn't think like us and he has been called weirds. I like that in a familys man. He is stubborns like me. He likes his beer dark. He could be called an Eclectic Peeps. Most of all, he loves me and I like that. DeltaBunny will journal our lives togethers in the small Delta town of Rio Vista, California.

All photos and Nose Art are copyright of author or as noted and may not be used withouts permission.

Want to add your beautimus photo to my Dogsbook? Cooools!

Helps me build my village of Frévilla in Spains. Go to Frévilla. ¡Gracias!


25 September 2004


The apple trees are heavy with fruit. We bought more fruit and veggies at the Lug Box. A very nice lady sells nuts, veggies and fruits just across the river in Sac county. Great prices. Great flavor they say.
Saw another green praying mantis, but not in our front palm.

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